- -> Present
->Frontend Engineer
Frontend Engineer Intern
Carlota Flâneur's artist site
Developed and designed to match her aesthetic and needs as an artist: albums, links to shop items, integration with Songkick API, music videos...
Antigram Chrome Extension
Developed to help Instagram users avoid addictive features. Currently has +12k users, and a 4.7★ rating (with +120 reviews).
Tallerets business site
Developed and designed to meet their needs: simple, approachable and easy to update by the members of the project.
Huffman Coding Online
An educational web tool to encode and decode text using the Huffman algorithm and understand how it works. It's a PWA, so it can be used offline as well.
[Your project here]
Do you want to work together? Let's talk!
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
->Bachelor's Degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering
Maynooth University
->Erasmus year in Ireland studying Computer Science, Design, UX-UI, Music Technology
Technical skills
- Javascript
- Typescript
- Go
- Python
- C++
- C
- React
- Astro
- NextJS
- SolidJS
- React Query
- Tailwind
- Bootstrap 4 & 5
- Jest
- Cypress
- React Testing Library
- Git
- Github Actions
- Travis CI
- Docker
- Firebase
- Figma
- Miro
- Jira
- Confluence
- Notion
Other skills
FoodCoop BCN
-> PresentA participative, non-profit, cooperative supermarket that aims to provide organic and local food to its members. I help doing shifts at the supermarket and doing communication tasks.
More about me
Learn more about me in my website: https://aymanydelo.pages.dev